1984 essay From the very beginning Winston and Bernard make them enemies of their society. These characters risk their lives to audition and re force back what we take for granted today. Winston and Bernard try to backup their indistinguishability and retake through their jobs, and the way they live. Both 1984 and Brave saucily field show us that we must be cargonful to promote our ideas and way of life. Through the two main characters, Winston and Bernard, the authors show the readers that at one time tyranny takes hold reality and individuality are lost. Winston attempts to pass off in his individuality through the flat tire he rents. The flat, which was rented from the possessor of the quaint shop class, is one way he makes himself different. The antique store owner could sense how Winston was different from the others, and he showed that when he said, Theres other room upstairs that you might care to take a look at. (81) Winston is instantly charmed by the inh abit desirous look and furnishing.! At first it was, a wild, infeasible notion, to be dispose as soon as though of.(82) One social occasion that leads to him later renting the apartment is the fact that their is no conspicuous telescreen. The owner told Winston the he never had one because, Too expensive.

And I never seemed to feel the command of it somehow.(82) In truth their was a telescreen behind the etching, which leads to the capture of Winston and Julia. The apartment was a huge image of the past to Winston. The apartment is decorated with relics of the past: a threefold bed, a metal etching of a ch urch, a bookshelf fill with ancient tomes. W! inston and Julia use these items as constant reminders of the past they are longing for. They believe that they can... If you extremity to get a in full essay, order it on our website:
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